October 11–21, 2017:BMBF funded „Travelling Conference“; stations in Beijing, Shijiazhuang, Tianjin and Nanjing, China; 3 LecturesDr. CarlAugust 28 – Sept. 01, 2017:4. Int. Conf. Earth System Mod., MPI Hamburg; 2 PosterDr. CarlMay 25 – June 05, 2017:„Kulturelle Landpartie“ (‚cultural outing’) in the Wendland; participation by Dr. Bäuerle with his WasserKlangPfad (‚WaterSoundPath’)April 08, 2017:Annual General Meeting in BerlinMarch 13–26, 2017:Exhibition at the Kunsthalle Oktogon (Hitzacker); Dr. Bäuerle March 06 & 10/11, 2017:Workshops at the Kunsthalle Oktogon (Hitzacker); Dr. Bäuerle January 27/28, 2017:Workshop at the Steiner College Oslo, Norway; Dr. BäuerleNovember 09, 2016:Hydrologist’s meeting, former Landesanstalt f. Umweltschutz, Karlsruhe; Lecture Dr. HollanJune 10/11, 2016:School project Breslau/Hitzacker, Wrocław, Poland; participation by Dr. BäuerleMay 05–16, 2016:„Kulturelle Landpartie“ (‚cultural outing’) in the Wendland; participation by Dr. Bäuerle with his WasserKlangPfad (‚WaterSoundPath’) April 16, 2016:Annual General Meeting in Fehrbellin(Foto)including ASWEX-internal colloquiumMarch 17/18, 2016:Hydrology Day, Uni Koblenz; LectureDr. MessalMarch 14–18, 2016:Meteorol. Conf. DACH, Berlin; 2 PosterDr. CarlJanuary 14/15, 2016:SWAT-DE Workshop, FU Berlin, LectureDr. Messal